Speed Humps



  • Speed humps are typically 3–4 inches high and 12–14 feet wide.
  • The ramp length (the sloping part) of a speed hump is usually 3–6 feet, depending on the desired target speed reduction.
  • They are often referred to as “bumps” on signage and by the general public.
  • Slopes should not exceed 1:10 or be less steep than 1:25.
  • Side slopes on tapers should be no greater than 1:6.
  • The vertical lip (the raised part) should be no more than a quarter-inch high.
  • Locate speed humps where there is sufficient visibility and available lighting.
  • Spacing between speed humps should be determined based on the target speed of the roadway. Generally, they should be spaced no more than 500 feet apart to achieve an 85th percentile speed of 25–35 mph.
  • To achieve greater speed reductions, space speed humps close together.
  • Speed humps can be applied on one-way or two-way roads
  • Placement and Considerations:

  • Speed humps should not be placed in front of driveways or other significant access areas.
  • If frequent driveways make it challenging to apply a speed hump, consider reducing its overall size or working with local residents to find a suitable solution.
  • Vertical speed control elements (including speed humps) should be accompanied by a sign warning drivers of the upcoming device (MUTCD W17-1).
  • Variations:

  • Apart from speed humps, there are other similar traffic calming devices:
    • Speed bumps: These are also vertical deflections but are typically more abrupt and higher than speed humps. They are often found in parking lots or private roads.
    • Speed cushions: These are wider and have gaps to allow emergency vehicles to pass without slowing down.
    • Speed tables: These are flat-topped raised areas that extend across the entire roadway.


The goal of speed humps is to enhance safety by reducing speeds in residential areas and other low-speed zones. 

Road Safety Equipment


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